Pre-Warranty Expiration Home Inspection Service.
JSI Home Inspections strongly recommends that every new construction home should be inspected before the warranty expires. A good time to have this pre-warranty expiration home inspection is in the tenth or eleventh month after purchase of the new construction home. JSI Inspectors are able to help you catch the hidden problems that may exist in your new home before your warranty expires through our inspection. Our inspectors conduct a comprehensive inspection to help you remedy any defects or problems before they are no longer covered under warranty. JSI provides you with a complete report, including written recommendations and observations as well as color photos. In the report is also the list of necessary repairs. Our inspectors know that you love your home and want it to last. Problems or repairs with your new construction home are the last thing you want to spend money on, especially after recently having made the initial investment in a new construction home. JSI’s pre-warranty expiration home inspection can easily pay for itself by saving you out-of-pocket repairs down the road and will provide you the knowledge, security and confidence in your home.
JSI Home Inspections strongly recommends that every new construction home should be inspected before the warranty expires. A good time to have this pre-warranty expiration home inspection is in the tenth or eleventh month after purchase of the new construction home. JSI Inspectors are able to help you catch the hidden problems that may exist in your new home before your warranty expires through our inspection. Our inspectors conduct a comprehensive inspection to help you remedy any defects or problems before they are no longer covered under warranty. JSI provides you with a complete report, including written recommendations and observations as well as color photos. In the report is also the list of necessary repairs. Our inspectors know that you love your home and want it to last. Problems or repairs with your new construction home are the last thing you want to spend money on, especially after recently having made the initial investment in a new construction home. JSI’s pre-warranty expiration home inspection can easily pay for itself by saving you out-of-pocket repairs down the road and will provide you the knowledge, security and confidence in your home.